Scottish Ale is a lighter version of Scotch Ale, brewed for centuries in Scotland.
We wanted to brew our Scottish a little different than many other examples of the style out there today. We theorized that if we turned on the brew kettle and heated it up before we sent the wort...
(You know wort, the sugary liquid result of the mashing process?) the kettle, it might just carmelize.
We were right, and lucky for us, the kettle didn't crack. The result is MacLenny's Scottish Ale. It's even a little famous...
On page 108 of Michael Jackson's Beer Companion, he writes, "I tasted the orangey, toffeeish Scottish Ale, made by an interesting process of carmelization... The kettle was turned on while still empty, then the wort was added. This is a potentially dangerous procedure: don't try this at home."
If it's good enough for Michael Jackson to mention, that's good enough for us. Must be for you too--it's our number one seller.
MacLenny's Scottish Ale
Style Guidelines: You want to do WHAT? When we first brewed this beer we didn't know what would happen when we turned our brew kettle on while it was empty, in order to scorch the malt. We liked the results so much that Scottish has been on tap ever since.
Schedule: always on tap
Food Pairings: beef stew, leg of lamb; pizza; turkey and other fowl. Not bad with nachos, either.
Body: medium
Color: copper
British pale, carapils, and wheat
Bittering Hops: American cascade
Finishing Hops: American mount hood and Tanzanian Pride of Ringwood
Original Gravity: 1.066
IBUs (estimate): 14
Alcohol By Volume: 6.6%
First Tapped: September 15, 1998